PLTW-Computer Science Pathway CTE
Computer Science Pathway (10th-12th Grade) - Project Lead The Way
10th Grade-Computer Science Principles (CSP):
Using Python® as a primary tool and incorporating multiple platforms and languages for computation, this course aims to develop computational thinking, generate excitement about career paths that utilize computing, and introduce professional tools that foster creativity and collaboration. Computer Science Principles helps students develop programming expertise and explore the workings of the Internet. Projects and problems include app development, visualization of data, cybersecurity, and simulation.
11th Grade-Computer Science A (CSA):
Computer Science A focuses on further developing computational-thinking skills through the medium of Android™ App development for mobile platforms. The course utilizes industry-standard tools such as Android Studio, Java™ programming language, XML, and device emulators. Students collaborate to create original solutions to problems of their own choosing by designing and implementing user interfaces and Web-based databases.
12th Grade-Cybersecurity:
Cybersecurity introduces the tools and concepts of cybersecurity and encourages students to create solutions that allow people to share computing resources while protecting privacy. Nationally, computational resources are vulnerable and frequently attacked; in Cybersecurity, students solve problems by understanding and closing these vulnerabilities. This course raises students’ knowledge of and commitment to ethical computing behavior. It also aims to develop students’ skills as consumers, friends, citizens, and employees who can effectively contribute to communities with a dependable cyber-infrastructure that moves and processes information safely.
9th Grade: Career Tech
The first few weeks are dedicated to learning how to touch type (typing without looking at your fingers!). The next phase of the class is learning about Microsoft Word. Students will learn how to properly format letters and be able to identify and use many of the tools Word offers. Then we enter the career unit as we will begin to look at multiple intelligence's, personality types and research how that affects learning and what jobs/colleges are out there offering what students are interested in. We use the Career Choices curriculum for this unit. We also will be using the Internet to perform research. Additionally, the class reads a book by Chad Foster Financial Literacy For Teens. This book covers a variety of topics including credit card debt, automobile ownership, taxes, insurance and many more topics. At the end of the semester we will be learning Microsoft PowerPoint.
Attendance is extremely important for this class. All of the work is completed in class and saved to the Frontier server. This is a 1 semester course. This class provides an excellent technology base for students preparing for a technology based world and leads to other classes such as Computer Applications Graphics and Web Design!
10th/11th Grade: Computer Graphics & Applications *Requires a C or better in Career Tech
Computer Graphics and Applications provides hands-on experience for learning Photoshop, PowerPoint, Excel, desktop publishing, Internet, and presentation programs. You may also use digital cameras for creating original graphics. Computer Graphics and Applications is open to all students who have completed CLIC with a “C” or better. This class is broken into two parts (1&2) each are 1 semester in length.