Lee Prewett » Mr. Prewett / English 9 / Room 601

Mr. Prewett / English 9 / Room 601

Schedule/Period Level
Period 1 English 9 GATE
Period 2 English 9 College Prep W
Period 3 English 9 GATE
Period 5 English 9 GATE
Period 6 English 9 College Prep
Period 7 English 9 Gate
Grading policy:
90-100% = A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
50*-59% = F
*50% is the lowest possible grade that parents and students will see in Synergy. 50% means that the assignment has not been turned in.
Assignments are given deadlines in Google classroom. The assignment must either be turned in via Google Classroom or in person in hard copy. If a student will have a difficulty meeting the deadline, the student must communicate that to the teacher BEFORE the due date and it will be at the discretion of the teacher whether or not to extend the deadline.
I work with parents and students to make academic excellence happen. 
If you have questions about a grade or something in class, please email me for the fastest response.
You may also have access to your student's Google classroom. If you would like access, please email me with (1) your name, (2) your email address, and (3) your student's name and period. If your name matches the parental/guardian info in Synergy, I will give you access to the Google Classroom feed.