Film Club Meeting on Wednesday, November 7th, after school in Mr. Hatch's class (room 625). We will discuss tee shirts, the resume challenge, the DVD drive, our chore fundraiser, college applications, Skills USA, the film editor's workshop, food sale day, the Liberty High field trip, Sneak on the Lot, the cookie poster competition, job applications, Take Ten, and the Zombie Mad-Lib 2, short film shoot.
The Swim Team will be holding its first meeting on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST, after school in room 624. If you plan on coming out this season please attend!!! You should also join the Remind for future updates, text the code @e9kh8 to the number 81010.
Our next Film Club meeting is tomorrow, November 1st, after school, in Mr. Hatch's room 625. We will discuss food sale day, fund-raisers, and field trips!
Please pick up your school pictures at lunch in front of the ASB/Athletic office all week long.