August 21st Announcements

Cross country season has started but you can still join! If you are interested in joining the team, grab a packet from the athletic office and get the paperwork filled out ASAP. If you have any questions, please see Coach Nelson in room 807 or Coach Mooney in room 713.


Hi everyone! Auditions for our Titan Theatre fall play are going to be here before you know it! We are looking for 8 women and 1-3 men to stage this moving play about the Vietnam War through the eyes of the women who served. Audition dates are August 28th and 29th immediately after school in the PAC. You must bring a signed audition form to your audition. These forms are available on the call board outside room 323 in the PAC. If you have any questions, see Ms. Peaker-Lozano.


If you would like to join this year's Science Bowl Team, we will be having an informational meeting on Thursday, August 23rd, during 4th lunch in room 911 with Mrs. Ruiz.  ALL interested students are welcome!


Titan Gaming meets this Thursday in room 701 to elect officers for the year and plan events.  We are putting together an eSports team this year so if you play League of Legends and want to represent Frontier against school like BHS and North grab your lunch and head over!


Any girls interested in playing basketball this year, there will be mandatory meeting on Thursday, August 23rd, in the Quest Center at both lunches.