
FFA National Champions!

Congratulations to Frontier FFA Light Horse Evaluation Team and Coach Emily Benson as these 4 young ladies and their coach have been named NATIONAL CHAMPIONS at the 90th National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana for their undefeated performance in the career development event of Light Horse Evaluation.


The team includes: Joslyn Camp, Macee Stowers, Karina Coe and Kara Stark.  (Each receives a $1000 cash award and additional scholarship) 

Coach: Emily Benson. This is Emily’s second State Title and First National Title.


The team competed for 2 days against 51 other State Teams (including the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico). The contest measures a student’s ability to evaluate and rank horses based on breed characteristic, confirmation and performance. Students are tested on their knowledge of the equine industry by taking a written exam on equine science, they must perform a practical veterinarian exam on a live horse, demonstrate public speaking skills through developing oral reason presentations, as well as, problem solving skills by finding a solution to an unknown scenario related to selection, management, nutrition or production.


Also congratulations to Julie Beechinor and the entire Frontier FFA Program as this team is a reflection of a first class program that is second to none!


Way to go TITANS!