October 9th Announcements

Attention Sr's....October 11th will be the last time you can sign up to be a Camp Keep Counselor. Remember you must be 18 years old by December 1st in order to be a counselor. Sign up in the Career Center.


Attention Jr's and Sr's.... Frontier will be offering the ASVAB test on October 17th. If you are interested in taking the ASVAB please stop by the Career Center to sign up.


Attention Jr's and Sr's.... Azusa Pacific, Concordia University Irvine, and Biola University will all be on campus on Wednesday, October 16th. If you are interested in getting more information about any one of these colleges, stop by the Career Center to sign up to hear their presentation.


FCA presents the Fifth Quarter!  Following the football game against Liberty this Friday, there will be a free concert, illusionist, free food, a chance to win great prizes, and hear a powerful message.  It takes place in the Liberty auditorium.  Doors open at 10:00 pm.  Everyone is welcome!  Bring your friends!