May 14th Announcements

Free physicals are TODAY, after school, in the gym. Any current freshman, sophomore or junior wanting to participate in sports next year must have a physical. See you there!


Attention seniors! Are you a student that is interested in attending BC, but have not registered for classes?  BC is holding an open house to help you register for classes. Please stop by the career center to sign up and get more information.


All girls wanting to play tennis next year need to attend a brief meeting after school on Tuesday in Coach Evans room 1102! Coach Cartwright.


Students need to be sure to clear all of their items out of the book lockers before the end of school as the book lockers will be emptied and any items left will be donated. Also, please swing by the dean’s office before or after school to check the lost and found for any items they may have been lost. Those items will also be donated after school is out.